We at Fellowship Chapel value the children God has sent to us and take seriously our responsibility to serve them. We aim to teach children at their level and in an environment that is friendly, safe, and conducive to learning.
Jesus clearly emphasizes the value children have in His eyes when He rebuked the disciples for keeping the children from coming to Him. He then instructed them that they could learn from children about their faith (Mark 10:13-16).
In the back of the sanctuary we have a sound proof and comfortable room where parents can view and hear the service. This allows parents to attend the service while caring for their infants or children.
Our desire is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for your child so that he or she might be ministered to while allowing parents to worship free of concern. We use a child identification system to increase the security of the nursery. The equipment in the nursery is cleaned regularly to protect the health of each child. The nursery is for children ages 2 months to 2 years.
Our Children’s Church takes place during our Sunday service at 10am. The children are provided with a time of worship, teaching from God’s Word, and an activity, which reinforces the Bible lesson.
We have been blessed with gifted teachers who love both the Lord and children. Many of our teachers have years experience teaching children. We take the responsibility of equipping our teachers seriously.
Children’s Church Overseers – Abby Worl & Cathy Walter
Children’s Ministry Annual Events
Gospel Egg Hunt- FREE EVENT!
Good Friday – 10am -12 pm
Vacation Bible School – FREE EVENT!
Every summer we hold our Vacation Bible School. We have been blessed each year by those who serve and by seeing many children come to a saving knowledge of Jesus.